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15 – ISEE

The ISEE (Indicatore della Situazione Economica Equivalente) is the instrument used by public and private entities to gauge one’s economic situation. When applicable, subsidies (e.g., reddito di emergenza) or discounts (e.g., tessera sanitaria, Metrebus annuale, etc.) may be obtained by presenting the ISEE. It is best to check the current requirements and benefits online, which may vary anytime.

The easiest would be to request help from a CAF office. Basic documents required are the following:

  1. Permesso di Soggiorno (if expired, also the ricevute poste)
  2. Codice fiscale
  3. Carta di Identità or Certificato di Residenza from the Comune
  4. Cellulare
  5. Email
  6. Indirizzo
  7. Redito 2019 [or of two years ago] = zero Euro [just copy this]
  8. Your PostePay or other Debit Card or Bank accounts: balance as of Dec. 31, 2019 [or of two years ago] and Giacenza Media [search internet for how to request this from PostePay or your bank]
  9. Tipo Permesso di Soggiorno: studente or religioso

The CAF will send you a delega form and other documents to sign. It could take weeks to process.