The Collegio is currently home to 57 student priests: 52 Filipinos, two from India, and one each from Cameroon, India, and Vietnam.
Collegio alumni may be assigned anywhere in their home dioceses, usually after two to four years of studies in Rome. Most serve as seminary formators or professors, to train the future generations of Priests, as members of the Diocesan Curia (Vicars General, Judicial Vicars, Chancellors, Bishop’s Private Secretaries, etc), or in parishes or specialized ministries such as the mass media or school systems. Still others have been assigned to parishes abroad, to the Vatican Curia, or the Holy See’s Diplomatic Service (including four FIlipino Apostolic Nuncios and most of those serving in Nunciatures around the world). Thirty out of the one hundred active Bishops in the Philippines are Collegio Graduates. In these cases, the home dioceses make a very generous contribution to the Universal Church.
The Collegio accepts only priests formally sent by their respective Bishops to do further studies in Rome. While preference is given to Filipino diocesan priests, other priests may also apply on a case to case basis, and space permitting.