04 Apr> c. Good Friday
Time: 1500
Place: PCF Crypt
(C) Main Celebrant:
(MC) Master of Ceremony:
Lectors: 1st Reading-
2nd Reading-
Intros. to the general intercession:
Those who will proclaim the Passion:
Crowd + Other Single Reader-
Who will take the B. Sacrament from the altar of repose?
• (cb) candle bearers –
• (cr) cross bearer –
• (ms)
main servers –
The Rite: (adapted for PCF Crypt)
1. Entrance Procession and Introductory Rite
– The procession enters at the main door of the chapel in silence, in this order: servers (without cross and candles), other ministers, and celebrant. On arriving at the sanctuary, all bow to the bare altar and go to their respective places and kneel down. The celebrant prostrates himself before the altar. After praying silently, all stand.
– Without kissing the altar, C goes to his chair and says the Opening Prayer, without saying the invitation “Let us pray”.
2. Liturgy of the Word
– Is 52,13-53,12 | Ps 31,2.6.12-13.15-16.17.25 | Heb 4,14-16;5,7-9 | Jn 18,1-19,42
– After the second reading, all stand for the acclamation before the passion. Those who will proclaim, each carrying a book of the Passion, go to the respective lecterns. The narrator stands at the central lectern, Christ on his right, the crowd on his left. The narrative of the Lord’s Passion is read without candles, without incense, without the initial greeting and marking of the book with the cross. After the verse recounting the death of Our Lord, all kneel. At the end, “The Gospel of the Lord” is said, but the book is not kissed. Those who proclaimed the Passion come before the altar, bow to it and return to their places.
3. Homily
4. Solemn Intercessions
– At the chair, C introduces the General Intercessions. Ten intentions are provided, each consisting of an invitation to prayer, a time for silent prayer and a prayer said by the celebrant, hands extended. (For the Holy Church, For the Pope, For all the Faithful, For Catechumens, For the Christian Unity, & For the Jewish People). A lector may proclaim the introductions at the ambo. The people kneel for the time of silent prayer and stand before the celebrant’s prayer. The invitation “let us kneel” and “let us stand” may be said or sung.
– At the conclusion of the General Intercessions, all sit while preparations for the Veneration of the Cross follow. There should be no singing or music.
5. Unveiling of the Holy Cross
– (Form A) flanked by cb with lighted candles, a minister carries the Cross covered with veil in procession through the nave of the church to the middle of the sanctuary. All stand as he enters the church.
- C standing before the altar and facing the people, receives the Cross.
- cb remain by the side of the cross.
- C uncovers a little of the upper part of the Cross and elevates it while saying “Ecce lignum Crucis, in quo salus mundi pepéndit/Behold the wood of the Cross, on which hung the salvation of the world.” All respond, “Venite, Adorémus/Come, let us adore”. Except for C and cb all kneel down for a brief moment to adore in silence.
- Then, C uncovers the right arm of the Cross and again, elevates it while saying “Ecce lignum Crucis, in quo salus mundi pepéndit/Behold the wood of the Cross, on which hung the salvation of the world.” All respond, “Venite, Adorémus/Come, let us adore”. Except for C and cb all kneel down for a brief moment to adore in silence.
- Finally, C uncovers the Cross entirely and, raising it up, he says “Ecce lignum Crucis, in quo salus mundi pepéndit/Behold the wood of the Cross, on which hung the salvation of the world.” All respond, “Venite, Adorémus/Come, let us adore”. Except for C and cb all kneel down for a brief moment to adore in silence.
6. Veneration of the Cross
– C places the cross on a bracket or stand at the center of the sanctuary/altar. cb place candles on each side of the cross, or simply light them if they have been placed already. A server brings a purifier to wipe the corpus after being kissed. C shows reverence to the Cross, making a simple genuflection or by kissing it and goes back to his chair. Other clerics show reverence too, the other ministers follow.
– Order of Veneration:
I. Priests
II. Ministers of the altar
III. The faithful
– While the adoration of the Cross is taking place, a suitable hymn (Crux Fidelis, Ps 67[66],2, Stabat Mater) may be sung.
7. Holy Communion
– All sit while the altar is prepared for Holy Communion.
– ms spreads the altar linen on the altar, places a corporal, the missal and bookstand on the altar table. Candles are placed on the altar.
– Meanwhile, Cc goes to the Altar of Repose, preceded by cb.A server holding humeral veil accompanies them. The candle bearers face the Altar of Repose. Cc, opens the tabernacle, genuflects, and dons the humeral veil, and he takes the ciborium and arranges it under the humeral veil. Preceded by candle bearers with lighted candles, he slowly returns to the sanctuary. All stand in silence as the Blessed Sacrament is brought from the Altar of Repose.
– When the Blessed Sacrament is placed on the corporal, Cc removes the humeral veil and hands it to a server. He then uncovers the ciborium. C goes to the altar, genuflects and continues with the Communion Rite (the sign of peace is not given on Good Friday) The faithful may have to be reminded to kneel down when the priest says “Behold the Lamb of God…” Distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful follows.
- When the distribution of Communion has been completed: It would be good if all consecrated hosts will be consumed at this celebration. If a great number of hosts remain unconsumed, Cc or another suitable minister takes it to a special place outside the Church, it should not be taken back to the main tabernacle or in the place of reposition.
- The corporal is folded and taken from the altar to the credence table. Empty ciborium is taken to the credence table where a suitable minister purifies them with water, which he consumes.
– after a moment of silence, C, standing at the chair, says the Prayer after Communion.
8. Concluding Rite
– The service is concluded with the Prayer over the People. The faithful bow their heads. C with hands extended says the Prayer over the People, without the final blessing or dismissal.
– After, without kissing the altar C goes to the center of the sanctuary with all the other ministers, they genuflect before the cross and depart in silence.
– After the celebration, the altar is once again stripped. The Cross is left with two or four candles for adoration.
Things to prepare:
- Roman Missal/ Order of Holy Week (Proper for Good Friday Liturgy)
- Lectionary & Copies of the Passion Narrative
- On the credence table: altar linen, 1 extra Ciborium or large paten for Cc, 1 Corporal, 1 purificator, 1 finger towels, purifier bowl, book stand, candles, cruets (water for the purification of vessels)
- In the sanctuary: a carpet where C will prostrate himself, chairs for the servers and other ministers, cross bracket or stand and candles on each side, 3 lecterns for the readers of the Passion Narrative
- At the altar of repose: key for the altar of repose, humeral veil, vigil lamp or candle for the procession towards the altar for holy communion
- In the place where the Cross will be left for veneration: Candles
- In the vesting area/sacristy: Red cope or chasuble, Veiled Cross, Candles for the procession, lighter
– Main Celebrant, Cc
– Servers
- Readers
Musica Sacra:
– No entrance hymn
– Gospel acclamation (no “alleluia”)
– Adoration of the Cross (“Stabat Mater”/ “Crux Fidelis”)
– Communion song
For inquiries/ contacts:
“For a celebration so important as the most holy days of our liturgical calendar, being the center of our yearly liturgical celebration, nothing can be left for improvisation (i.e., performed, made, or done without preparation).”