Bills payment
- Administration and Sisters’ Allowances (bills prepared) – note birthdays and anniversaries
- Personnel salaries (bills prepared) – note birthdays, anniversaries and overtimes
- INPS – quarterly: February, May, August, November
- SIGN PRINTOUTS: Personnel Certificato Unico – ex CUD
- ACEA Acqua
- Duferco – gas (3 counters and bills) and electricity (bills start with 001, then year billed, then FG for gas with consecutive numbers or FT for electricity)
- Telecom Italia – internet and landline (may be paid using IOR visa)
Groceries and Food
- Easy Fish – ordered via Governatorato, but paid separately
- Governatorato – Comunità and Spacci Annonari, via Giroconto
- Ortofrutta Diego Venditi – fruits and vegetables
- Aurelia Car Service – vehicle maintenance
- Campi Incendio – fire extinguishers (bills mailed)
- Delfas – heating system maintenance, plumbing, lights
- Ecos – elevators upkeep
- Fenice – monitoraggio roditori
- Hygan – detergents for laundry, convection oven (C20 and C21), dishwasher (to rinse after use), other cleaning liquids
- IRICO – detergents from Electrolux for Zanussi convection oven (do not use non-Electrolux brands)
- Passo Carrabile – municipal fee for PCF gate (bills mailed)
- Schindler – elevators maintenance (bills mailed)
- Traffic fines (bills mailed)
- In-house Italian language course – July and August
- In-house Italian language course – July and August
- Italian language course in universities
- SCV Tessera Accesso
- Retreat house payment
- Tuition Fees 1st semester: PIB, PUG, PUL, PUSC, PUST, etc. – via IOR giroconto in general
- RECEIVE: Aid to the Church in Need scholarship tranche 1 of 2
- RECEIVE: Pontificia Università della Santa Croce scholarship tranche 1 of 3
- Cattolica – insurances for vehicles, building and terzo risponsabile
- Bollo for Toyota Aygo – if paying via Automobile Club d’Italia, click “Calcola e paga il Bollo online”¨and enter via SPID (you have to know how); choose Società generica, and insert Codice Fiscale instead of Partita IVA; ACI will send email payment reminders; may be paid using debit card
- Pragma – used oil disposal
- Seclan c/o G. Milone – photocopier maintenance renewal (free 5,000 black and white)
- December 16: 13th month allowances
- December 27: salaries and Christmas gift
- Tessera Sanitaria
- Personnel Liquidation Pay; ask them to sign TFR
- Fiat Scudo annual check – tagliando
- Elevator maintenance 1st semester
- Tuition Fees 2nd semester: PIB, PUG, PUL, PUSC, PUST, etc. – via IOR giroconto in general
- Toyota Aygo annual check – tagliando
- Tuition Fees for 2nd semester: PIB, PUG, PUSC, PUST, etc.
- Send statement of accounts for each student
- RECEIVE: Aid to the Church in Need scholarship tranche 2 of 2
- RECEIVE: Pontificia Università della Santa Croce scholarship tranche 2 of 3
- Bollo for FIAT Scudo – if paying via Automobile Club d’Italia, “Calcola e paga il Bollo online”¨and enter via SPID (you have to know how); choose Società generica, and insert Codice Fiscale instead of Partita IVA; ACI will send email payment reminders; may be paid using debit card
- Roma Municipio Canone Patrimoniale Componente per l’Occupazione di Spazi ed Aree Puccliche – ex COSAP; for PCF address mini billboard; click “ACCEDI AL SERVIZIO” button; SPID or PCF email might be required
- RECEIVE: Pontificia Università della Santa Croce scholarship tranche 3 of 3
- Accountant’s annual fee
- Send statement of accounts for each student
- Create invoices for each user for photocopies used during the past school year, then reset each user’s Xerox counter to zero
- Create invoices for next school year
Automatic Payments via IOR Visa
- Amazon online orders
- Amazon Prime annual subscription
- Netflix annual subscription
- Quickbooks Online annual subscription
- Yahoo Small Business for pcfroma.org domain name
- Microsoft Office 365
- BancoPosta is used for Bollettino Poste (usually with number “896” at bottom right, or filling out a blank form), “pagoPA”, Modelli F24, Bollo Auto, traffic fines, Bollettino MAV, Imposte e Tributi, etc. Service charge is €1.00.
- For bills attached in PEC messages: click the eml attachment (filename is usually postacert.eml) and a new window opens
- if an xml file and/or another appears, click the three dots of the larger file (might not be the eml file itself) and Download, which will be an xml or xml.p7m file; convert the downloaded file to PDF; click on stampa pdf then the download arrow (upper right) to save;
- if a pdf file appears, click the three dots to download it directly;
- if information in a new message appears, right click and print it to pdf and save;
- to avoid confusion, best is to delete any eml file or p7m file in the downloads folder before checking the next PEC message.
- For IOR payments, only one file may be attached. To attach several bills from the same company, combine them first into one pdf.
- Forward bills via email automatically to PCF Sisters: Duferco, Acea Acqua, Ortofrutta, Telecom, Governatorato, Easy Fish, Amazon, Netflix
- Whenever Partita IVA is required (which we do not have), just insert PCF’s Codice Fiscale.
- Bills with Bolletino Postale (Italy or Vatican) may be paid at the Post Offices using credit or debit card.
- Online payments using credit or debit card for suppliers usually have a €2,000.00 limit (hence there is no active link in their websites for greater amounts).
- Bonifico IBAN cannot be paid via credit or debit card, unless issued by the bank itself.
- ACEA Energia – gas for kitchen
- ENI-8551 Luce – electricity
- ENI-1001 Gas – for heating system
- ENI-4001 Gas – for heating system