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Bills payment


  1. Administration and Sisters’ Allowances (bills prepared) – note birthdays and anniversaries
  2. Personnel salaries (bills prepared) – note birthdays, anniversaries and overtimes
  3. INPS – quarterly: February, May, August, November
  4. SIGN PRINTOUTS: Personnel Certificato Unico – ex CUD


  1. ACEA Acqua
  2. Duferco – gas (3 counters and bills) and electricity (bills start with 001, then year billed, then FG for gas with consecutive numbers or FT for electricity)
  3. Telecom Italia – internet and landline (may be paid using IOR visa)

Groceries and Food

  1. Easy Fish – ordered via Governatorato, but paid separately
  2. Governatorato – Comunità and Spacci Annonari, via Giroconto
  3. Ortofrutta Diego Venditi – fruits and vegetables


  1. Aurelia Car Service – vehicle maintenance
  2. Campi Incendio – fire extinguishers (bills mailed)
  3. Delfas – heating system maintenance, plumbing, lights
  4. Ecos – elevators upkeep
  5. Fenice – monitoraggio roditori
  6. Hygan – detergents for laundry, convection oven (C20 and C21), dishwasher (to rinse after use), other cleaning liquids
  7. IRICO – detergents from Electrolux for Zanussi convection oven (do not use non-Electrolux brands)
  8. Passo Carrabile – municipal fee for PCF gate (bills mailed)
  9. Schindler – elevators maintenance (bills mailed)
  10. Traffic fines (bills mailed)


  1. In-house Italian language course – July and August


  1. In-house Italian language course – July and August


  1. Italian language course in universities


  1. SCV Tessera Accesso
  2. Retreat house payment
  3. Tuition Fees 1st semester: PIB, PUG, PUL, PUSC, PUST, etc. – via IOR giroconto in general


  1. RECEIVE: Aid to the Church in Need scholarship tranche 1 of 2
  2. RECEIVE: Pontificia Università della Santa Croce scholarship tranche 1 of 3


  1. Cattolica – insurances for vehicles, building and terzo risponsabile
  2. Bollo for Toyota Aygo – if paying via Automobile Club d’Italia, click “Calcola e paga il Bollo online”¨and enter via SPID (you have to know how); choose Società generica, and insert Codice Fiscale instead of Partita IVA; ACI will send email payment reminders; may be paid using debit card
  3. Pragma – used oil disposal
  4. Seclan c/o G. Milone – photocopier maintenance renewal (free 5,000 black and white)
  5. December 16: 13th month allowances
  6. December 27: salaries and Christmas gift


  1. Tessera Sanitaria
  2. Personnel Liquidation Pay; ask them to sign TFR
  3. Fiat Scudo annual check – tagliando
  4. Elevator maintenance 1st semester
  5. Tuition Fees 2nd semester: PIB, PUG, PUL, PUSC, PUST, etc. – via IOR giroconto in general


  1. Toyota Aygo annual check – tagliando
  2. Tuition Fees for 2nd semester: PIB, PUG, PUSC, PUST, etc.
  3. Send statement of accounts for each student


  1. RECEIVE: Aid to the Church in Need scholarship tranche 2 of 2
  2. RECEIVE: Pontificia Università della Santa Croce scholarship tranche 2 of 3


  1. Bollo for FIAT Scudo – if paying via Automobile Club d’Italia, “Calcola e paga il Bollo online”¨and enter via SPID (you have to know how); choose Società generica, and insert Codice Fiscale instead of Partita IVA; ACI will send email payment reminders; may be paid using debit card
  2. Roma Municipio Canone Patrimoniale Componente per l’Occupazione di Spazi ed Aree Puccliche – ex COSAP; for PCF address mini billboard; click “ACCEDI AL SERVIZIO” button; SPID or PCF email might be required


  1. RECEIVE: Pontificia Università della Santa Croce scholarship tranche 3 of 3


  1. Accountant’s annual fee
  2. Send statement of accounts for each student
  3. Create invoices for each user for photocopies used during the past school year, then reset each user’s Xerox counter to zero
  4. Create invoices for next school year

Automatic Payments via IOR Visa

  1. Amazon online orders
  2. Amazon Prime annual subscription
  3. Netflix annual subscription
  4. Quickbooks Online annual subscription
  5. Yahoo Small Business for pcfroma.org domain name
  6. Microsoft Office 365


  1. BancoPosta is used for Bollettino Poste (usually with number “896” at bottom right, or filling out a blank form), “pagoPA”, Modelli F24, Bollo Auto, traffic fines, Bollettino MAV, Imposte e Tributi, etc. Service charge is €1.00.
  2. For bills attached in PEC messages: click the eml attachment (filename is usually postacert.eml) and a new window opens
    • if an xml file and/or another appears, click the three dots of the larger file (might not be the eml file itself) and Download, which will be an xml or xml.p7m file; convert the downloaded file to PDF; click on stampa pdf then the download arrow (upper right) to save;
    • if a pdf file appears, click the three dots to download it directly;
    • if information in a new message appears, right click and print it to pdf and save;
    • to avoid confusion, best is to delete any eml file or p7m file in the downloads folder before checking the next PEC message.
  3. For IOR payments, only one file may be attached. To attach several bills from the same company, combine them first into one pdf.
  4. Forward bills via email automatically to PCF Sisters: Duferco, Acea Acqua, Ortofrutta, Telecom, Governatorato, Easy Fish, Amazon, Netflix
  5. Whenever Partita IVA is required (which we do not have), just insert PCF’s Codice Fiscale.
  6. Bills with Bolletino Postale (Italy or Vatican) may be paid at the Post Offices using credit or debit card.
  7. Online payments using credit or debit card for suppliers usually have a €2,000.00 limit (hence there is no active link in their websites for greater amounts).
  8. Bonifico IBAN cannot be paid via credit or debit card, unless issued by the bank itself.


  1. ACEA Energia – gas for kitchen
  2. ENI-8551 Luce – electricity
  3. ENI-1001 Gas – for heating system
  4. ENI-4001 Gas – for heating system