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05 – Cambio di Residenza

The “Cambio di Residenza” enlists you in the Anagrafe di Roma (Registry Office), after you get your Permesso di Soggiorno (which allows you to stay in Italy but does not mean you are a resident). It is required by certain Italian Government offices – for example, to insert the PCF address in a new Codice Fiscale, to get a Certificato di Residenza or a Carta d’Identità, or for transferees from a different residence in Italy, to apply for or renew your Tessera Sanitaria. Hence it is advisable that you immediately apply for one.

  1. Download and fill up the following forms:
  2. Scan your own documents:
    • Valid Passport
    • Valid Permesso di Soggiorno (or the expired Permesso di Soggiorno along with the ricevute given to you by the Poste when you renewed)
  3. Request the Rector to email you his scanned documents (except for the last, which he will print out for you):
    • Passport
    • Carta di Identità
    • Permesso di Soggiorno (if expired, ricevute poste and appuntamento Questura)
    • Prefettura di Roma certification that he is the Collegio’s Risponsabile Legale
    • Certification that you are a Resident of the Collegio (he will print this out)
  4. Email the above forms to <cambiresidenza.municipioroma13@comune.roma.it>.
  5. Wait for their reply and further instructions, which could take up to two to six weeks. You will receive two emails of approval from the same email address (one of which includes instructions on how you can see your name and data in the official website of the Anagrafe), which are the following:
    • an email from <cambiresidenza.municipioroma13@comune.roma.it> with an attached letter stating “OGGETTO: Comunicazione d’inizio procedimento per iscrizione nell’Anagrafe della popolazione residente di Roma Capitale”
    • another email from the same address, stating that for religious communities (PCF included), there will be no inspection (acertamento) of your residence, and that therefore you are already included in the Rome Anagrafe.
  6. FOR THOSE WHO NEED TO UPDATE THEIR ADDRESS IN THE CODICE FISCALE: Search among your emails the one from the Agenzia delle Entrate that sent you your Codice Fiscale.
    • Reply to that email, stating:
      Stimati Signori,
      vorrei gentilmente chiedere l’aggiornamento dei miei dati. Allego documento che ho ricevuto dall’Anagrafe, che certifica la mia residenza a Roma.
      Con saluti cordiali,
    • after your celfone number, add the following:
      p.d. – copio il messaggio che ho ricevuto da <cambiresidenza.municipioroma13@comune.roma.it>
      [copy and paste here the whole second email you received, the one that states that for Religious communities there will be no inspection of your residence: paste everything from that email, including TO, FROM, SUBJECT, DATES if any, and MESSAGE BODY]
    • Finally, attach to your email the letter stating “OGGETTO: Comunicazione d’inizio…”
  7. FOR THOSE WHO NEED TO CONTINUE THEIR APPLICATION FOR A TESSERA SANITARIA: After you receive a reply that your Codice Fiscale has been updated, inform the ASL office of this, so that you could finally complete your application for the Tessera Sanitaria (they should be able to look up your Codice Fiscale records). Look for the ASL email that told you that your address could not be found in the Codice Fiscale records, and reply to it saying:
    Stimati Signori,
    ho potuto effettuare il Cambio di Residenza presso l’Anagrafe, e informato la Agenzia delle Entrate per aggiornare loro il mio indirizzo di residenza. Vorrei gentilmente chiedere di far riprendere la mia richiesta della Tessera Sanitaria.
    Con saluti cordiali
  8. More information from the Comune di Roma website: https://www.comune.roma.it/pcr/it/seg_gen_dir_an_ser_el_cam_res.page.