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07 – Celebret

While priests may normally exercise their ministry anywhere in the world, those staying long in another Diocese need to get a Celebret from that diocese. To apply for a Celebret in the Diocese of Rome:

1. At the beginning of the school year, the Education Commission reminds all to apply for a Celebret. As usual, indicate your full names as they appear in the Permesso di Soggiorno.

2. For FIRST TIME APPLICATIONS of Diocesan Priests prepare the following (as of January 21, 2022):

  • Lettera Vescovo inviante a Roma (Mandatum, when you first applied to PCF)
  • Lettera Superiore Collegio in cui si risiede
  • Certificato di Iscrizione e Frequenza Università (per studenti), or if none yet, a copy of the pre-iscrizione you submitted to the Italian Embassy back home
  • Fotocopia Passaporto (in corso di validità) esclusi Comunità Europea
  • Fotocopia Permesso di Soggiorno (in corso di validità), or if none yet, ricevute Poste
  • Celebret Diocesi di origine
  • N. 1 foto con collare clericale (formato tessera non scannerizzata)
  • Modello Richiesta Celebret compilato
  • Liberatoria Legge sulla Privacy compilata

3. For RENEWAL APPLICATIONS of Diocesan Priests prepare the following (as of January 21, 2022):

  • Fotocopia Permesso di Soggiorno (in corso di validità), or if still renewing, or ricevute Poste and copy of old Permesso di Soggiorno
  • Certificato di Iscrizione e Frequenza Università (per studenti)
  • il vecchio celebret
  • la fotografia NON È NECESSARIA
  • Modello Richiesta Celebret compilato
  • Liberatoria Legge sulla Privacy compilata

4. Fee of 5 Euros.

5. The Education Commission Chairman emails a list of applicants divided into first timers and renewing (in a text format that can be copied and pasted) to the Rector, who in turn will write a request addressed to:

Ufficio Clero
Vicariato di Roma
Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano, 6
00184 Roma

6. The Rector gives the request letter to the Education Commission Chairman, who in turn asks a student at the Lateran University (or if non, he himself or some other may do so) to bring the documentation to the Ufficio Clero, asking for a receipt for the payment (whether upon submitting the documents, or when collecting the celebrets). Depending on the circumstances, the Celebret could be obtained immediately, or after a few days.