I. Introduction
“It is incumbent upon the College Administration to formulate more particular House Rules consonant with these Ordinances to better promote the spiritual life, the study mandate and communitarian spirit of the students.” (Collegio Statutes n. IX, 2, from the Congregation for Catholic Education and the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines)
This Student’s Manual, or House Rules, are formulated by the Administrators, applying the Statutes, Ordinances and policies of the Holy See and the CBCP.
Aside from this “Students’ Manual”, there are separate Manuals for the Administrators, Sisters and Lay Personnel, formulated by the Administrators. More detailed guides, procedures and notes of experiences are available on the PCF website.
Changes to these Manuals and guides may be proposed by any member of the PCF Community, and experimented on during the school year, for possible integration the following school year, subject to the Administrators’ final approval.