IV. The Functions of the Different Commissions
1. Commission on Worship
a. As a team this is in-charge of all the Liturgical and Paraliturgical-spiritual celebrations of the PCF Community, in coordination with the Spiritual Director.
b. Assists in the over-all needs of the Cripta and the Main Oratory.
c. Plans and implements meaningful liturgical and spiritual events to foster and enhance priestly spiritual life of the community.
d. It makes the monthly schedule of Mass presiders in the PCF and nearby convents.
e. Assigns priests to hear confessions before Masses, when the occasion calls for it.
f. Prepares songs for Eucharistic celebrations, Benediction, and other special occasions when music is called for.
g. Conducts regular community music practice.
h. Takes charge of the inventory of instruments, books and other materials for the celebrations, and the distribution of liturgical music books.
2. Commission on Education
a. As a team they initiate activities that will foster intellectual and cultural ferment.
b. It invites resource persons for academic and updating conferences.
c. Assists the Library-in-Charge in the up-keep of the PCF library.
d. Chronicles, documents and files community events (also through multimedia), thesis defenses, notes on special visitors such as Bishops or government officials, or any other information that would be valuable or appreciated in the future.
e. Takes care of the equipment used for documentation, such as camera and other media room paraphernalia.
f. Collects from graduating Priests hard and soft copy (if the author permits its distribution), of their Doctoral Thesis or Licentiate Tesina.
g. Serves as Registration Committee during special events.
3. Commission on Social and Community Life
a. As a team they animate community life.
b. It plans and implements creative and wholesome entertainment programs for the Community, e.g. Welcome Dinner, Kanto, film showing, parties, Collegio Day, and Pamana Night. It assigns emcees for these events.
c. Spearheads the decorations of the Collegio during important seasons and celebrations.
d. Prepares greeting cards for birthday and anniversary celebrants.
e. Prints and frames the annual directory and community picture.
f. Presents and takes charge of the sports program for the academic year, including regular sports, Rector’s Cup, invitational games, winter indoor games, and procurement of PCF uniforms and awards for tournament winners.
g. Takes constant stock of and maintains the good condition of sports facilities and equipment.
h. Informs Administration of the health of the members of the Community.
i. Assists sick residents, by helping them administer their medicine and providing special meals in coordination with the kitchen staff. If necessary, accompanies them to the doctor or coordinates turns for visits to brothers in the hospital.
j. Maintains and updates the medicine cabinet and first aid kit.
k. Assists the Administration in offering hospitality to visitors and non-residents.
4. Commission on Temporalities
a. As a team they prepare the venue for conferences and events, including chairs and the sound-system, computers, LCD projector, etc.
b. Spearheads the restoration and cleanliness of the venue after each event.
c. Calls the attention of the Community in matters pertaining to maintenance, cleanliness, and orderliness of the premises.
d. Oversees the proper storage and functioning of sound system, LCD projector and other equipment, and informs the Administrators of the conditions of these items.
5. Commission on Pastoral Life
a. As a team they help the Rector meet requests for priests, allowing priests to experience the different pastoral realities in Italy and abroad, in close collaboration with the designated local Chaplains.
b. Assists in providing Spiritual Advisers for communities in need of one.
c. Helps those who are graduating to find priests to succeed them as Spiritual Advisers in their respective communities, and so to secure continuity of pastoral programs.
d. Proposes supplementary programs or modules along the thrusts of the Holy Father and the Philippine Church, which PCF priests may implement taking into account the particular situations and needs of the communities they serve.
e. Reminds PCF priests to adhere to the directions of the local Filipino chaplaincies, host parishes and dioceses, including the thrust of integration and compliance with the requirements for recognition.