Media Ministry
PCF advantages
- we link Filipinos to the Church in Rome and back home
- specialist priests explaining basics of our doctrine, spirituality and morals
- priests with the most varying backgrounds sharing their personal experiences and reflections
Guiding principles
- it is God who moves persons; priests are only instruments
- effectiveness requires good methods, but above all, fidelity to our priestly commitments of an intense prayer and sacramental life, study and pastoral zeal
- a good set-up that can be replicated by any priest back home, even in poor areas
- attractive not only for Church people, but also for commercial media outfits including local radio and cable TV stations (especially during the pandemic when they have less production and programming options)
- use of audiovisuals, but also presentable as audio alone (for podcasts and radio stations)
- branding emphasis: fidelity to Church teachings; a taste of Rome and the Philippines; clerical attire adds visual impact on audiences of the priesthood as a service and never as a privilege