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04 – Permesso di Soggiorno application and renewal


NOTE FOR NEWCOMERS: You should submit the application at the Poste within 8 days of your arrival, or immediately after your quarantine.


1. From any Poste Italiane office: ask for a “Kit per il Permesso di Soggiorno”.

a) Using black ink, fill up the form (“modulo”) with 8 pp. (see samples for newcomers and oldtimers– but note that starting 2017, DO NOT PUT YOUR MIDDLE NAME ANYMORE IN ANY ITALIAN DOCUMENT, just your complete first name and last name. (But if years ago you had already stayed in Italy, and had a Codice Fiscale and other documents then with middle name: in this case, put always use your middle in Italian documents).

b) Also fill up the reddish payment form (half sheet lengthwise). The samples in the links above show outdated amounts, so kindly double check with someone who has applied recently, before writing any amount. As of July 2023, the one-year Permesso di Soggiorno fee for Motivo Studio visa is €70.46 (“settanta Euro e 46 cent.”); while the amount for Motivo Religioso is €80.46 (“ottanta Euro e 46 cent.”)

c) Set aside all the other sheets found inside the Kit, but bring them along during the submission of documents to the Poste, just in case. Do not write anything on the kit’s envelope.

2. Prepare the documents listed below, making sure of the following:

a) In making photocopies, if the document has information of both sides (back to back), then the photocopy should also be back to back. That is, do not use two separate sheets, but only a single sheet of paper, just like the original.

b) The Certificates should be in Italian, not in English or some other language.

c)  Bring the Rector’s Dichiara to the Congregation for the Clergy, but not to the Secretariat of State. Double check their receiving schedules, which might change during fests, vacations and crisis situations.

d) On the other hand, there is no need to bring the university certificates to the Congregation for Catholic Catholic Education or Secretariat of State.

3. Documents and photocopies needed [unless indicated otherwise, prepare three photocopies: 1 for the Poste, 1 for the Questura fotosegnalizzazione that will be scheduled weeks or months later, and 1 for backup or personal files]:

a) “DICHIARA” FROM THE PCF RECTOR. This is a new document, addressed to the Questura di Roma, and is therefore different from the Dichiara you submitted to the Italian Embassy back home. Double check the data, make sure it has his signature and the Collegio seal, and that the text corresponds to your Visa (either Motivo Studio or Motivo Religioso). Bring the Dichiara to the Congregation for the Clergy, and ask them to stamp a “NULLA OSTA” on the Dichiara. Pay the corresponding fee (€5.00). They open Mondays to Fridays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. only. No need to bring the document to the Secretary of State.



d) OLDTIMERS WITH MOTIVO RELIGIOSO VISA ONLY (AND ONLY WHO FIRST ARRIVED IN ITALY AFTER MARCH 2012): 30 PUNTI earned under the new system. No need to submit if you do not have this.


f) OLDTIMERS AND NEWCOMERS WITH MOTIVO STUDIO VISA ONLY: ask for an ENROLLMENT CERTIFICATE from your university the day after arriving Rome. If the University does not process enrollments yet, the certificate may be similar to the pre-enrollment, but addressed NOT to the Italian Embassy back home, but to the Questura di Roma, and should state towards the end something like, “Il presente certificato viene rilasciato per ottenere il permesso di soggiorno”. (For newcomers: do not worry if you do not have this yet for the Poste submission. But yes, you need this for the fotosegnalizzazione or fingerprinting some three weeks to two months later).
NOTE FOR ALL: by the time you go to the fingerprinting, make sure you have an Enrollment, not only the pre-Enrollment.
NOTE FOR NEWCOMERS: you have to obtain this fresh pre-enrollment or enrollment here in Rome. This is different from the pre-enrollment sent to you by the PCF Rector (addressed to the Italian Embassy) for you to obtain the Visa. You also need to bring this old pre-enrollment (with the embassy seal, remember?), aside from the fresh pre-enrollment or enrollment form you obtain here in Rome.

g) OLD TIMERS WITH MOTIVO STUDIO VISA, AND RENEWING OCTOBER TO MAY: ask for an ENROLLMENT CERTIFICATE for the current school year, which indicates that you have passed at least two exams in the previous school year, and which contains a copy of your grades.

h) OLD TIMERS WITH MOTIVO STUDIO VISA, AND RENEWING (OR SCHEDULED FOR THE QUESTURA) JUNE TO SEPTEMBER: ask for an ENROLLMENT CERTIFICATE for the school year that is ending, which indicates that you have passed at least two exams in the previous semester, and which contains a copy of your grades. In addition, the enrollment certificate should indicate that you are enrolled for the following school year. If the University does not allow enrollment yet, then ask for a certificate stating that you are pre-enrolled for the following school year, and that, “Il presente certificato viene rilasciato per rinnovare il permesso di soggiorno”).

NOTE: University Offices are closed the whole month of August, or even starting mid-July; hence, be sure to get your enrollment certificates outside that month, and that the certificates contain the data as stated in this paragraph; leave enough days’s allowance, in case you need to obtain a new or a modified enrollment certificate.

i) OLDTIMERS WITH MOTIVO STUDIO VISA, AND WHO NO LONGER HAVE ANY SUBJECTS (“FUORI CORSO”) IN THE CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR (OCTOBER TO SEPTEMBER): ask for an enrollment certificate that states that you are enrolled, that you have already completed all your courses in the previous years, and that you need to remain in Rome to do your thesis writing or other requirements. The certificate should state that you are “FUORI CORSO”.

4. Prepare some 130 Euros, preferably in different bills and some coins, for the following payments:

  • € 16.00 for the Marca di Bollo from any Tabacchi (see below).
  • €70.46 for Motivo Studio (€80.46 for Motivo Religioso) at the Poste for the amount you wrote on the red sheet included in the Kit.
  • €30.00 at the Poste for the registered mail, with a brownish receipt to be given to you.
  • €1.50 at the Poste as processing fee.


1. Bring all the above documents. Put the photocopies you prepared, along with the 8-page form and the payment form, in the Kit’s original envelope. Put the originals and your Passport in a different envelope. DO NOT SUBMIT any original document to the Poste!!! Though the Poste needs to see the original, they will only get one photocopy of each document; the Questura will need the originals around a month later.

2. Drop by any Tabacchi and buy the Marca di Bollo (documentary stamp). The amount indicated on the top part of the Kit’s first page might be old, so ask the Collegio Rector for the current amount.

3. Proceed to the Poste Italiane near the Cornelia Metro Station and get your number (chose the correct letter for “Sportello Amico”, which processes the Permesso di Soggiorno). The Poste usually has a dedicated counter for Permesso di Soggiornos, so when your number is called to a non-dedicated counter, you might be redirected to the dedicated counter.

4. Submit your kit to the counter when called. Give them the Kit’s original envelope containing the photocopies, and give them your passport as well. They will copy your data into the computer, get your payments, and make you sign some sheets. Ask the Poste to schedule you at the Questura at VIA DEL MASCHERINO, which is near the Vatican and is in charge of priests and religious. Otherwise you might end up in a different Questura, and you will be rescheduled a month or more later.

5. The Poste will give you the following:

a) Part of the reddish payment form you filled up earlier (on which they print the amount you paid).

b) The Poste Italiane receipt that states ASSICURATA in light brown, and which contains your Password and User ID.

c) A sheet with the schedule for the fotosegnalizzazione (fingerprinting) which you will sign. Make sure the address states VIA DEL MASCHERINO. If it turns out that the sheet does not direct you to VIA DEL MASCHERINO, you need to email the Questura to ask for a new appointment (you may also use the following for any other needs):

TO: stranieri.ispettoratovaticano.rm @ poliziadistato.it
(without spaces)
SUBJECT: richiesta nuovo appuntamento

Sono a richiedervi cortesemente appuntamento con codesto Ufficio, in quanto le Poste Italiane ha designato altro Ufficio. Allego ricevute dalle Poste Italiane.

Grazie e distinti saluti.

[your name]
[attach a scan of what the Poste gave you: two receipts and the sheet indicating your fingerprinting schedule]



1. When you prepared the documents for the Poste above, you also made a second photocopy of the same documents, which was already in preparation for the fotosegnalizzione you are scheduled to do (fingerprinting at the Questura Police Station).

For the Poste submission, above, it was noted that you might not have the Enrollment certificate yet. But now for the fotosegnalizzazione, you need to include this.

Retrieve those documents, and add the following.

a) APPOINTMENT LETTER given at the Poste (or emailed or mailed from the Questura, if schedule was moved).


c) FOUR PASSPORT SIZE PHOTO WITH WHITE BACKGROUND. If you still don’t have them, there’s a machine in front of In Grande, or somewhere at the Ottaviano Station. (The Police will probably get only one of the photos.)

d) ALL DOCUMENTS YOUR SUBMITTED TO OBTAIN THE VISA, AND ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS THAT MIGHT BE REQUIRED (for this, ask anyone who has recently applied for or renewed that Permesso di Soggiorno).

2. The day before your appointment, double check all your documents.

a. Assemble the original documents in the precise order indicated above, in “For the Poste: Preparation”. Then on top of them, place the documents indicated in this section, “For the Fotosegnalizzazione”.

b. Put one corresponding photocopy behind every original. Paper clip each photocopy to its original (don’t staple!). Put these originals, with their single photocopy each, in a closed folder.

c. Put additional backup photocopies in a separate folder. Bring them too, in case there are sudden changes of policies, ready to be brought out if needed.

3. Go to the Questura on your scheduled day, either by 7:30 a.m. (some 20 persons will be ahead of you), or even later, by 10:00 a.m. (some 5 persons will be ahead of you, or more, depending on the month). Note that the Questura does not follow the scheduled time, just the date. Ask for other observations or suggestions from others who have recently gone there.

a) Get a number and wait to be called to the counter. Prepare the set of originals and one photocopy, but be ready to bring out your back-up copies if needed. Be sure to remember this number, as it will be used to call you later on, especially to the second office indicated below.

b) After being called to the counter and submitting the documents, you will be asked to return to the initial waiting area, and wait for your same number (or family name) to be called for the next step. When called, go out to the sidewalk, turn right, and enter the first open door at your right, where you will see policemen in white inside. This is where your fingerprints will be taken (fotosegnalizzazione).

c) After your fingerprinting, they will tell you “arrivederci”, which means you may go. Otherwise, they might ask you to return to the first waiting area and wait to be called again. When called again, return to that second office for some further measurements. After that, while still inside that office, ask the Police when the Permesso di Soggiorno will be ready (usually after two months).

d) Go back to the first office and copy for future reference the schedule in releasing the Permesso di Soggiorno (usually in the afternoon of most weekdays, or even Saturday morning). This schedule is usually posted on the door, so you do not have to ask the Police inside.

e) OPn their first application for the Permesso di Soggiorno, those with Motivi Religiosi visa will be asked to attend a class around a month or two, as seen in the signed Integration Contract sheets. Be sure to attend this, as this will be needed for you to claim your Permesso di Soggiorno.


1. To see your application status, visit the Polizia di Stato website. Enter the CODICE ASSICURATA appearing on the sheet you signed from the Poste, which is the same as the PASSWORD appearing in the brown receipt you got from the Poste (do not include the dash, just the numbers). Keep this website information handy, in case you are questioned by the police (spot checks, airports, stations, etc.) regarding the status or even authenticity of your Permesso di Soggiorno renewal.

2. You might reeive an sms stating your appointment date and time to collect your Permesso di Soggiorno. Disregard this text message, as they only honor email appointments they send you via email. Meaning, you are really supposed to email them for an appointment.

3. Once the website indicates that your Permesso di Soggiorno is ready, or when you receive an sms from the Polizia di Stato, send the following email to ask for an appointment to collect it:

TO: stranieri.ispettoratovaticano.rm @ poliziadistato.it
[without spaces]
SUBJECT: richiesta appuntamento per ritirare il Permesso di Soggiorno

Sono a richiedervi cortesemente appuntamento per ritirare il Permesso di Soggiorno. Allego ricevute dalle Poste Italiane.

Grazie e distinti saluti.

[your name]
[attached a scan of your two receipts from the Poste]

4. You will receive an email reply in a few days. Print it out and go to the Questura on the schedule they indicate. But if you are in a hurry, you might wish to try going to the Questura days or weeks ahead of the schedule they gave. Just print out their email reply, and tell them you are in a rush.

5. On the other hand, you might wish to try going to the Questura even without the email. There is a chance that they might honor the sms appointment (which they do not even look at), especially if you come early, and if there are only a few with an email appointment.


1. Newcomers who still hold a valid Type D Multiple entry visa may enter other Schengen countries, even though on the top part of the Visa, “Italia” is written. (This is as of April 2019. Please double check current policies to be sure. See also the Italian Ministero Esteri information, on “Type D” visas.)

2. Old timers who have done the fotosegnalizzazione and are waiting for the release of their soggiorno card, MAY NOT ENTER OTHER SCHENGEN COUNTRIES, even just the airport. When booking your tickets, make sure there are no stops whatsoever in any Schengen country.

The insruction in the past was for us to surrender the Permesso di Soggiorno with the police at the airport, when we leave Italy for good. THIS HAS CHANGED!!!. Rather, keep the Permesso di Soggiorno with your other files. The Italian police might ask for it in case you return to Italy and have to apply for Soggiorno again in the future. If you don’t have it with you in those cases, you could be required to undergo a 3-hour ordeal of filing a “denuncia” (Police Report) stating that it was lost.

NOTE: University and Questura requirements may vary any time. Though the checklists on this website try to be as complete as possible, each student is ultimately responsible in completing the requirements. Please inform the Rector of any errors or changes in these requirements, so this website can be updated.