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In this guide:
  • These notes present usual scenarios, either using a smartphone app or a desktop computer, depending on what is more practical.
  • CAPITAL LETTERS indicate menu or fields in Quickbooks Online.
  • Menus are indicated with “>” for the next steps seen in QB or portals themselves.
  • In general, use TAB to confirm entry, rather than ENTER.
  • Always add the names of suppliers or donors in filenames.
  • Suppliers are those paid: companies, Admin, Sisters, Personnel.
  • Donors are those who pay: Students, Guests, Benefactors, etc.
  • Make sure the right accounts are always used. Some Quickbook Account Numbers are omitted, as they may change once in a while.
  • When an instruction states to do some step(s) “as usual”, please refer to other sections of this guide.
IOR Operations

To see Statement of Accounts: >Documenti >Conti Correnti: the monthly Statements are shown for possible download, but only of Accounts with movements on a specific month.

Creating Donors: Residents
  1. Create a new record for students as they arrive: >Donors & leads >New donor
  2. >Title: “Fr.” (with period), >First Name, >Last Name; >Display name as: “Fr Juan de la Cruz” should automatically appear, otherwise select it from the dropdown arrow
  3. >Save
  4. NOTE: for USD, add ” – USD” after the family name: “Fr. Juan de la Cruz – USD”
  5. NOTE: For Priest’s BILLING ADDRESS >STREET: put the Diocese (and for non-Filipinos, add a dash and the country, like: “Bangkok – Thailand”)

Creating Donors: Non-Residents
  1. They may be entered directly when >+New >Sales receipt >donor: write the first name only
  2. >+Add new (this option appears right under the first name you are typing)
  3. >Currency: change if needed into USD, CHF, GBR, etc.
  4. +Details
  5. >Last name: if currency is not EUR, add to the family name ” – USD”, ” – CHF”, etc.
  6. >Display name as: should include first name, family name and the currency if not EUR (use dropdown arrow if needed)
  7. >Email (if available)
  8. >Payment and billing >This donor pays me with: (here the currency may still be changed, if not done so earlier)
  9. >Save
Creating Suppliers (Payees)
  1. They may be entered directly when >+New >Expense >Payee: write the first name only
  2. >+Add new (this option appears right under the first name you are typing)
  3. >Currency: change if needed into USD, CHF, GBR, etc.
  4. +Details
  5. >Last name: if currency is not EUR, add to the family name ” – USD”, ” – CHF”, etc.
  6. >Display name as: should include first name, family name and the currency if not EUR (use dropdown arrow if needed)
  7. >Email (if available)
  8. >I pay this supplier with: (here the currency may still be changed, if not done so earlier)
  9. >Save
  10. 10. NOTE: for Priests as Suppliers (e.g., for excursion expenses through them), add a space and a dash (” -“) after the family name.


EXPENSES – from Cash on Hand
CHEQUES – bonifico, giroconto and cash withdrawals


NOTE: As to QB terms: while an “invoice” is actually a “bill”, QB uses “Bill” for Suppliers charging the Collegio, and uses “Invoice” for the Collegio charging the Donors (students).

  1. >+New >Invoice
  2. Donor: search for name to be invoiced
  3. Invoice Date: July 1 (or for transients, when the student arrived)
  4. Due Date: at most June 30 of the current school year
  5. Invoice no.: should automatically follow the year’s series; otherwise check for the latest series number in QB >Invoicing >All Sales (only Invoices and Sales Receipts are assigned series numbers, which restart at 001 on January 1 each year).
  6. Product/Service: OPERATIONS (Receipt/Invoice)
  7. Description: e.g., “b/l Jan. 24 to Feb. 8, 2023”
  8. Rate: total amount to be given
  9. Message displaced on statement: copy and paste from Description (above) so that it appears later in the Donor’s list of Invoices.
  10. Save and Close.
Donor Donates (Whether Donor Pays an Invoice Later or Not)
  1. >+New >Sales receipt
  2. Donor: search for the name (or if none, yet, >Add, then put name and email address)
  3. Sales Receipt date: when the amount was received.
  4. Sales Receipt no.: should automatically follow the year’s series; otherwise check for the latest series number in QB >Invoicing >All Sales (only Invoices and Sales Receipts are assigned series numbers, which restart at 001 on January 1 each year).
  5. Payment Method: usually Cash or Direct Debit to IOR (refer to similar transactions in the past).
  6. Deposit to: either bank account where the payment was deposited, or if cash, to Undeposited Funds (for Deposit later to Cash on Hand).
  7. Product/Service: usually “OPERATIONS (Receipt/Invoice)”, including for overnight stays and outright donations. But for student’s board and lodging, select “RECEIPT – Student Funds (agencies for b/l, tuition, allowances, INCLUDING MIXED for student and PCF)” – this credits the amount to “4500000 PASS-THROUGH INCOME” which in turn will be used to pay student Invoices (except for RCAM students, who use “2201000 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES: ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP OF MANILA”.
  8. Description: e.g., “Donation” (and dates if for overnight stays), or “Scholarship for Fr. Juan de la Cruz”
  9. Rate: total amount to be given
  10. Message displaced on statement: copy and paste from Description (above) so that it appears later in the Donor’s list of Invoices.
  11. Save and Send.
Student Pays Invoice
  1. Search for the student as Donor
  2. >New Transaction >Payment
  3. Payment Method: Cash or some other (refer to similar transactions in the past).
  4. Deposit to: either bank account where the payment was deposited, or if cash, to Undeposited Funds (for Deposit later to Cash on Hand).
  5. Select or more Invoices to be paid. To reach the correct Amount received (on the upper right), modify the amounts on the PAYMENT column to the right.
  6. Save and Send.
  7. NOTE: in cases where the payment amount is lower than the selected invoice amount, the difference will just appear next time a Payment is made.
  8. NOTE: in cases where the payment amount is over the selected invoice amount, there will be an “Amount to Credit” on the lower right. This is the difference, and will be available for future payments (along with any Journals that might have been made – e.g., funds from an agency assigned to the student using a Journal).
Donor Pays Student’s Invoice: Issue Receipt to Donor (unless there are non-current liabilities to Donor, such as RCAM), then create a Journal
  1. Issue a Sales Receipt to the Donor as usual (see above).
  2. NOTE: In QB, a “Journal” refers to the reassigning of amounts by Debiting an account (e.g., RCAM) and Crediting it to another (e.g., student from Manila) – even though in Accounting, a Journal is a record of any transaction.
  3. Creating a Journal makes funds available to pay Invoices. This amount is seen via >New Transactions >Payment, then see Credits at the bottom.
  4. >+New >Journal
  5. Check that the automatic Journal no. is in the correct series (year-3 digits).
  6. For example, for Santa Croce, Debit 4500000 PASS-THROUGH INCOME, with >Name (rightmost column) Pontificia Università della Santa Croce; and Credit 1200000 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES, with >Name (rightmost column) of student.
  7. For RCAM, Debit 2201000 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES: ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP OF MANILA, with >Name (rightmost column) Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila; and Credit 1200000 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES, with >Name (rightmost column) of Manila student.
  8. Substitute RCAM to Debit any other funding agency, and put corresponding student name(s) to Credit. The Debit total should always equal the Credit total.
  9. >Save and Close.

  1. NOTE: for donations or payments received in cash, they were deposited to “1500000 UNDEPOSITED FUNDS (only EUR can have u/f)”. They need to transferred to Cash on Hand via a “Bank Deposit”
  2. >+NEW >Bank Deposit
  3. >Account: select “1000001 CASH AND EQUIVALENTS:Cash on Hand”
  4. >Date: indicate correct date
  5. Tick on the boxes of the amounts to be deposited, and double check that the total is correct.
  6. >Save and Close
EXPENSES: RECURRING SUPPLIERS (Create Bills, Pay and Record)

This is especially for utilities (as soon as the fattura is received) and for salaries and allowances (in January and July, or when amount for part-timer is known). Usually not for outright purchases.

  1. > scan bill, name it as usual (see other examples, especially for the same supplier)
  2. > save it folder: Transactions for Encoding
  3. > create QB Bill (see previous bills as examples), and attach the scan
  4. > transfer the scan to the folder: Encoded not yet paid
PAY via IOR Giroconto
  1. > Rapporti
  2. > Giroconto
  3. > Per il Conto N. 11784003 – OPERAZIONI – EUR (€)
  4. > Divisa: EUR
  5. > Importo (expresso nella divisa di addebito): amount in digits; decimal point should be in comma, not period
  6. > Causale: Giroconto Generico
  7. > Descrizione Causale: (e.g., Allowance for January 2023)
  8. > Beneficiario: (account holder)
  9. > Numero Conto Beneficiario: (8-digit IOR account number)
  10. > Inidrizzo Beneficiario: (address)
  11. > Tipo Beneficiario: (e.g., Soggetto Collegato)
  12. > Relazione con la controparte: (optional)
  13. > File da allegare: (for bill payments, attach a single pdf file; leave blank for PCF OP Sisters and Admin allowances)
  14. > Continua: this brings you to the next screen to double check information
  15. > Continua: OTP appears on your smartphone, to be entered on the screen
  16. > Dispositiva inviata con successo: this message confirms successful entry, which will be approved by an authorized user
PAY via IOR Bonifico
  1. > Rapport
  2. > Bonifico
  3. > Per il Conto N. 11784003 – OPERAZIONI – EUR (€)
  4. > Divisa: EUR
  5. > Importo (expresso nella divisa di addebito): amount in digits; decimal point should be in comma, not period
  6. > Causale: Bonifico Generico
  7. > Descrizione Causale: (e.g., Allowance for January 2023, or company name with fattura number and dates covered)
  8. > Tipologia di Spesa: Spese a carico dell’ordinante.
  9. > Beneficiario: (account holder)
  10. > Inidrizzo Beneficiario: (address)
  11. > Tipo Beneficiario: Stesso Cliente (if transfer to another PCF account), Soggetto Collegato (if PCF Admin or Sisters) or Altro (for suppliers, universities, etc.)
  12. > Relazione con la controparte: fornitore
  13. > IBAN/Conto Beneficiario: (put IBAN)
  14. > **Bic/Swift: (instead of IBAN if no IBAN)
  15. > **Codice Destinatario Fedwire/Routing Number: (instead of IBAN if no IBAN)
  16. > Codice Intermediario Fedwire/Routing Number: (disregard if IBAN is used)
  17. > Bic banca intermediaria: (disregard if IBAN is used)
  18. > File da allegare: (only a single pdf file may be attached, so multiple bills have to be combined first)
  19. > Note: (optional)
  20. > Continua: this brings you to the next screen to double check information
  21. > Continua: OTP appears on your smartphone, to be entered on the screen
  22. > Dispositiva inviata con successo: this message confirms successful entry, which will be approved by an authorized user
PAY via Banco Posta
  1. Using BancoPosta BPIOL’s Bonifici XML
    > Operazioni Veloci >Bonifici XML
    > Disposizione

    > [in upper box] Data Esecuzione (put current or future date)
    > Distinta (put “01”)

    > [in lower box] Importo (EUR): put the amount (make sure to use comma instead of period as decimal point)
    > Nome Creditore: put supplier’s name
    > IBAN Creditore: put supplier’s IBAN
    > CODICE CATEGORIA (ISO): put CASH (Generica Cash)
    > CAUSALE/INFORMAZ RICONCILIAZIONE: put reason for payment (e.g., 2023 January salary)

    > MEMORIZZA: at this point, the Bonifico is ready to be signed and sent by the authorized signer. (Use CREA FLUSSO if you are the authorized signer.)

  2. Using Banco Posta’s BPIOL for Bollettini Postali
    > sul C/C >N.: put C/C n. found in the bollettino
    > IMPORTO: put amount to be paid (make sure to use comma instead of period as decimal point)
    > CODICE A 18 CIFRE: put the 18 digits found in the bollettino
    > TIPOLOGIA: copy number at lower right of bollettino (usually “674”)
    > RAGIONE SOCIALE O NOME: “put Pontificio Collegio Filippino”
    > INDIRIZZO: put “Via Aurelia 490”
    > CAP: put “00165”
    > CITTÀ: put “Roma”
    > PROVINCIA: put “RM”
    > MEMORIZZA: at this point, the Bonifico is ready to be signed and sent by the authorized signer.
  3. Using Banco Posta’s BPIOL for PAGOPA
    > Operazioni Veloci >PAGOPA
    > Canale di Pagamento >Bollettino Postale PA
    > CODICE AVVISO: copy the 18 digits
    > SUL C/C N.: copy from bollettino
    > CALCOLA IMPORTO: then the Importo, Pontificio Collegio Filippino and its Codice Fiscale should automatically appear
    > SALVA: at this point, the Bonifico is ready to be signed and sent by the authorized signer.
  4. Using Banco Posta’s BPIOL for F24
    > Operazioni Veloci >F24 Online
    > Tipo Delega: Modello F24 Ordinario
    > Vuoi eseguire il pagamento come: Persona Giuridica

    > CONTRIBUENTE: Codice Fiscale/Partita IVA: PCF’s Codice Fiscale automatically appears
    > DATI ANAGRAFICI: complete the fields as seen in the F24 received via email or mail
    > Sezione Errario or Sezione INPS (usually, depending on the F24 received): fill up the columns by copying exactly from the F24 received (make sure to use comma instead of period as decimal point); the total will be automatically computed
    > for the Sezione Erario, make sure the month is preceded by two zeros (for example, July would be “0007” – even if it is only “07” in the original). For the Sezione INPS, there is also an indication for the month and year.
    > CONTINUA, then a similar screen appears, this time to double check.
    > MEMORIZZA: at this point, the Bonifico is ready to be signed and sent by the authorized signer.
  1. Return to the Supplier, look for the Bill previously prepared, click on Make Payment
  2. > Bank/Credit Account: select the correct account
  3. > indicate correct Payment Date
  4. > the amount to be paid has been automatically ticked; this amount may be modified on the upper right “Amount” box, and if so, the Bill will be reduced to the amount lacking.
  5. > PRINT, then make a screenshot (Shift-Win S), paste into MS Word A5, print >Printer Properties
  6. > TAB Paper Options >Paper >A5
  7. > TAB Image Options >Xerox Black and White Conversion
  8. > OK >Print
  9. Have the sheet signed by the one who received the funds; this sheet will be considered as the “receipt” in the next step
  10. scan the receipt (or the signed sheet) and attach it to the Bill
  11. transfer the fattura scan, receipt scan and/or the signed sheet to the computer folder and physical folder of each Supplier

EXPENSES: OUTRIGHT PURCHASES (no bill previously prepared)
  1. > +NEW >Expense
  2. > Encode the correct Payee, Payment Account, Date, Payment method and Category Details.
  3. > Attach a scan or picture of the receipt (or if none: print the Expense voucher, then have it signed by the person receiving the amount)
  4. > Save and Close
  5. > Save a copy of the scan in the Supplier’s folder
EXPENSES: BILLABLE (these are not real PCF expenses, as they will be refunded)
  1. Create an expense as usual as in outright purchases (above), that is, without preparing a Bill
  2. > Tick on BILLABLE.
  3. > DONOR: the person being billed.
  4. For Cash refunds, >Print so that the one who receives it can sign, then scan and attach the signed sheet to this QB Expense. For purchases and electronic payments, attach the receipt to the QB entry.
  5. Then scan and attach the receipts and signed sheet if any (may be scanned later) to the QB Expense just created.
  6. >Save and Close
  7. Go to the Donor. Look for the new Billable Expense(s) just entered.
  8. Click on Create invoice (such link might be on the rightmost column, hidden from view – in such case, collapse the leftmost QB panel by clicking on the hamburger menu at the upper left, to the left of “Pontificio Collegio Filippino”). QB creates an invoice for the Donor.
  9. Copy Description to Message on Statement. >Save and Close
  10. NOTE: in this case, QB created a new Invoice and automatically filled it up. The Invoice for now is indicated as “Open”, until it is paid. Just like for any other “Open” invoice, there is a ·Receive Payment” link to the right. Invoices can be paid by the person himself or by any another person or agency, also by using a Journal (see guide on Payment of Invoices and Journals). Examples are tuition fees, student allowances, etc.
  11. NOTE: The Billable Expense of this Donor no longer has the link to “Create Invoice” but rather “Closed”, meaning, it is no longer considered in the computations (instead, the newly created invoice is part of the computations – with the same memos and amounts as the Billable Expenses).

  1. Create Bill as usual.
  2. Make Payment of Bill(s) as usual, but as Bank/Credit account, select CASH IN BANK: USD to EUR Dummy Acct – EUR (Amount is in Euro).
  3. > Save and close.
  4. + New >OTHER >Transfer
  5. >Transfer Funds From: CASH & EQ. – USD:FC Credit Card.
  6. >Transfer Funds To: CASH IN BANK:USD to EUR Dummy Acct.
  7. > Currency: USD United States Dollar
  8. > 1 USD = : put the correct exchange rate, to come up with the correct EUR (in bill) and USD (spent by credit card) amounts; after hitting Tab, select the button that says “Use for this transaction only”.
  9. >Transfer Amount: put the USD amount transferred.
  10. >Date: date the credit card payment was made.
  11. >Memo: put the Bill’s correct EUR amount (e.g., “= €2,190.34”); (this step is not necessary, but can help troubleshoot if the Dummy Account balance is not zero: after closing and opening the Transfer, the Balance in $ that automatically appears at the middle right should match the Memo amount).
  12. >Save and close.
  13. The CASH IN BANK:USD to EUR Dummy Acct balance should always be zero.
UNUSUAL TASKS: supplier refund, …

Supplier refund in cash
  1. +New > Journal entry
  2. Account: select the bank or account where the amount was returned (e.g., IOR-03), Debit the amount returned, and no need(?) to put Name
  3. Account: select the corresponding Expense account, Credit the amount returned, put Description, and put Name of who returned the amount
  4. Note that if what was returned is less than the original expense (for example, if there were fees, or only a partial refund was made), the difference still remains as an expense.
Supplier refund as credit
  1. +New > Credit note