Scan Dell968
To scan documents into PDF files using Dell 968 Printer Scanner using Laptop
To Scan One Page Only
- Double click the ABBYY Fine Reader program.
- Insert document in scanner.
- Click button on top left “1. Scan Image” (use arrow to the right of this button if something else appears).
- In Step 1, click on “Preview the Image”. When the image appears, resize the area to be scanned if needed.
- In Step 2, select the type of document. Usually “Black and White Document”, or “Color Document”.
- In Step 3, choose 150 DPI for usual documents, or 300 DPI for photos.
- In Step 4, click “Scan Now”.
- Wait until two big panes appear.
- Click on “2. Read All” (the arrow to the right of this button may be used).
- Click on “3.” (or arrow to its right), and choose “Acrobat”.
- Click on FILE >SAVE A COPY.
- Double click on “scans”
- In the box towards the bottom where it says “OBJECT NAME”, type the filename indicated on the scanned document, without typing “.pdf”, which will be automatically added. (You may remove the sheet from the scanner to copy the name.)
- Close the Adobe Acrobat program.
- No need to close Abbyy program. For next pages, just repeat from number 2 above.