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14 – SPID

The SPID (Sistema Publico d’Identità Digitale) is being required to access online services and documents of the Public Administration and participating private entities. Required are the following documents:

  • email address
  • cellular phone number
  • identity document such as Passport, Carta di identità, permesso di soggiorno or Italian driver’s license
  • tessera sanitaria with codice fiscale

The most convenient way to obtain the SPID is through the PosteID, using a Poste account (which one may have if one has PostePay debit card) and a “certified” cellphone number (the one linked to the PostePay debit card).

Click here for details on setting up a PosteID SPID (see pp. 2-6) and how to access your vaccination and other medical records (pp. 1 and 6).