Welcome (back)!
To both newcomers and oldtimers, benvenuti al Pontificio Collegio Filippino!
It is great to have you with us, as you start or continue this special stage in your ministry. As a residence for priests doing further studies, the Collegio offers holistic ongoing formation for priests, with human/community, spiritual and pastoral/apostolic formation in-house, in addition to academic formation mainly in the universities.
Prior to coming over, you have been given different responsibilities in your home dioceses, in charge of seminaries or other ministries. The Collegio has always had students like you, who were earlier Parish Priests or Assistants, Rectors or other formators, Diocesan Economus, Judicial Vicars, Episcopal Vicars, Chancellors, Bishops’ Secretaries, or newly ordained. Please consider your stay in Rome as a real pastoral ministry, continuing to reflect on your vocation, and preparing yourselves to serve in different ways after your studies.
See the Collegio as truly your home and family. Let the Administrators or other priests know if you need anything, as we help each other grow in our ministry.
A section of our website, on Overview and Reflections, summarizes our life in the Collegio. As such, it would help to review this whenever we start our new school year. For more details, please see our Knowledge Base.
Once again, benvenuti al Collegio!