Diocesan Scholarships: Portal Creation
All student priests are encouraged to set up a scholarship portal to help their diocese raise funds for studies in Rome while residing at the Collegio. When you have covered your board and lodging, tuition, residency permit, medical insurance and annual bus pass, you are entitled to up to $300.00 per month as book allowance and pocket money. Any amount raised beyond those needs will be reserved for the next priests of your diocese.
Your portal will appear here: friendsofthecollegio.org/scholarships. To create one:
- Ask for the link. Sign up with your name, email and new password.
- Go back to the link and sign in using the email and password you indicated.
- My Profile tab
- Page Name: Diocese of ____ c/o Fr. Juan de la Cruz
- My goal amount: $19,000 if you have no scholarship; otherwise just put any estimate (check other priests’ portals to get and idea)
- My Personal Story: describe a bit of yourself (not too personal): full name, nickname, diocese, year ordained, course in Rome, projected years of study. etc.
- Goal Chart Title: you may use the default or change it; this appears beside your thermometer
- Gallery tab: optionally put any Youtube video of yours and pictures
- My Updates tab: post here anytime to thank and update your current and potential donors
- Be sure to click on the Save button periodically.
- When enough information has been placed, a link will appear in My Profile section. Send this link to your relatives and friends so they can donate using credit card, tax-deductible in the US. The five characters following the slash are case sensitive, so copy the link as is. Ask them to forward the link to as many people as they can. This may be done via Messenger, Viber, WhatsApp, email, sms, posted on FB, etc.
- Send this link to the PCF Rector so he can add you to the friendsofthecollegio.org/scholarships page. Click here for details on the Diocesan Scholarships.
After you have created your