The Pontificio Collegio Filippino (PCF) depends first, on the Roman Curia’s Congregation for the Clergy (Vatican), and second, on the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) through its Episcopal Commission for the Pontificio Collegio Filippino (ECPCF, under the Department of Clergy Formation).
The ECPCF has at most seven Bishop members, including all the Philippine Cardinals as ex officio members. His Excellency Most Reverend Ruperto C. Santos serves as its Chairman, while its Executive Secretary is always the PCF Rector, who is appointed by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Clergy upon recommendation by the CBCP.
The Republic of the Philippines recognizes the CBCP, under which are several Episcopal Commissions. On the other hand, both the Vatican and the Republic of Italy recognize the PCF in Rome.
The ECPCF uses this webpage hosted by the PCF to help fulfill its mandate to look after PCF’s financial viability and stability. Dioceses and funding agencies are unable to raise the amount needed for board and lodging in one of Europe’s most expensive cities (around 12,000.00 US Dollars per year, or 700,000.00 Pesos), hence much of PCF’s operation expenses has to be subsidized. Meanwhile, the Vatican heavily supports mission areas in Africa and Asia, where Catholics form a tiny minority and national economies are weak; it is thus unable to assist the PCF. For those who imagine that the Vatican has infinite budgets and assets: they are much smaller than Harvard, Yale and many other universities in the US!
The ECPCF must thus turn to our fellow Filipinos in the Philippines and abroad for support. Your generous donations will help not only individual priests but the whole Church in the Philippines, as our alumni take charge of forming our seminarians back home, that is, our future priests, and other ministries.
The Pontificio Collegio Filippino (PCF) depends first, on the Roman Curia’s Congregation for the Clergy (Vatican), and second, on the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) through its Episcopal Commission for the Pontificio Collegio Filippino (ECPCF, under the Department of Clergy Formation).
The ECPCF has at most seven Bishop members, including all the Philippine Cardinals as ex officio Members. His Excellency Most Reverend Ruperto C. Santos serves as its Chairman, while its Executive Secretary is always the PCF Rector, who is appointed by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Clergy upon recommendation by the CBCP.
The Republic of the Philippines recognizes the CBCP, under which are several Episcopal Commissions. On the other hand, both the Vatican and the Republic of Italy recognize the PCF in Rome.
The ECPCF uses this webpage hosted by the PCF to help fulfill its mandate to look after PCF’s financial viability and stability. Dioceses and funding agencies are unable to raise the amount needed for board and lodging in one of Europe’s most expensive cities (around 12,000.00 US Dollars per year, or 700,000.00 Pesos), hence much of PCF’s operation expenses has to be subsidized. Meanwhile, the Vatican heavily supports mission areas in Africa and Asia, where Catholics form a tiny minority and national economies are weak; it is thus unable to assist the PCF. For those who imagine that the Vatican has infinite budgets and assets: they are much smaller than Harvard, Yale and many other universities in the US!
The ECPCF must thus turn to our fellow Filipinos back home and abroad for support. Your generous donations will help not only individual priests but the whole Church in the Philippines, as our alumni take charge of forming our seminarians back home, that is, our future priests, and other ministries.
Donate to your Diocese’s or Region’s Scholarship Fund…
to cover strictly in this order of precedence:
annual board and lodging: around $9,000 for October to June school year, plus whatever is needed in case of July to September summer stay
health insurance ($200)
residence permit ($200)
bus pass ($300)
tuition fees ($5,000)
books and pocket money (up to $300 a month for the current October to September school year, for the months he is here at the Collegio)
These approximate amounts are really low compared with American standards. Additional funds raised will be reserved for the Diocese’s next student at the Collegio within five years (after which excess funds will be used for the Collegio’s general needs).
To request Masses to be celebrated for you, please select and click on a Priest’s name below (especially those near your region), and from there contact him directly.
Our Church in the Philippines constantly needs to send Priests for further studies in the best Catholic Universities in Rome. They reside and undergo holistic formation at the Pontificio Collegio Filippino (Pontifical Filipino College) — close to the Holy Father physically, spiritually and doctrinally — and include in their daily Masses the special intentions of all who ask for prayers.
After two to four years, depending on their specialization, they return home to take charge of seminaries and other ministries in their Dioceses.
Volunteer without leaving your home, in this mission of training trainors for the Philippine Church…
Volunteer wherever you live and work — or retire, for that matter — through a monthly recurring donation of at least an hour of your salary.
Join us in responding to Cardinal Tagle’s call, through any of the following:
Your name and intentions are displayed in our Chapel at the Collegio Filippino — for our Priests, Sisters and Lay staff to pray.
(Due to privacy concerns, we do not mention these intentions online, but rest assured we pray for each one of them. Also, only the date you chose as well as the first three letters of your name and family name appear when you click on this ONLINE LIST.)
Friends of the Collegio 1819 Ridgeview Ct. Dupont, WA 98327 USA